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Early Years

Structure of our Early Years Foundation Stage

The Early Years Foundation Stage at John Shelton consists of:

Children aged 2–3 years, 15 hours afternoon sessions.

Children aged 3 – 4 years, 15 hours or 30-hour places

We offer rising 3’s and have a 3-point entry for our Nursery places.

One Reception Class

Our priority is that ALL children are safe, happy and enjoy coming to John Shelton Community Primary School.  We want to work closely with parents and carers to ensure everyone settles in quickly and gets the BEST from their time at our school. Children only get one chance at their childhood!

Teaching and Learning

At John Shelton Primary School we believe that high quality early years’ experience is fundamental to have a lasting effect on a child’s attitude to education, personal and social skills and attainment. We believe the key to young children learning with enjoyment and challenge is to learn through play. 

Staff carefully plan a good balance of adult-led and group sessions to introduce new learning experiences.  The children can then apply, practise and consolidate these skills and knowledge within the provision.  We provide a stimulating learning environment, both indoor and outdoor, that provides the children with access to a broad range of resources and engaging opportunities to support their development across all areas of learning.  

Characteristics of effective learning



  • I am an explorer.
  • I play with what I know.
  • I am willing to have a go.



  • I join in and concentrate.
  • I keep on trying.
  • I am proud of what I do. 


  • I have my own ideas.
  • I can make links.
  • I choose the way I do things. 


Our intent

At John Shelton Primary School, our children are respectful, resilient and responsible learners, which is fostered from the very start when they join us in Nursery.  Across our Early Years Foundation Stage, we provide an exciting, engaging curriculum which is responsive of all our children’s interests and needs. Everyone is a learner!

In Nursery and Reception, we aim to offer:

  • A happy, caring, secure and fun environment for all children.
  • Encourage confidence, independence and a desire to learn.
  • Focus on the development of every child as an individual, valuing and building on their previous experiences and responding to their individual needs.
  • Work in partnership with parents and carers.
  • Develop in children an enquiring mind, an interest in learning and an enthusiasm for the next stage of school life.
  • Provide good foundations for later learning.
  • Encourage good social relationships, developing a positive self-esteem and mutual respect for others.

The EYFS Curriculum

The curriculum has been developed in accordance with the ‘The Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage’ (2024).  The framework includes 7 areas of learning and development that are equally important and interconnected.

The areas of Learning and Development:

Prime Areas of Learning

Specific Areas of Learning

Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED)
Communication and Language (CL)
Physical Development (PD)

Literacy (L)
Mathematics (M)
Understanding the World (UW)
Expressive Arts and Design (EAD)

At John Shelton we have developed our own sequentially progressive curriculum, which enables children to build on key knowledge and skills throughout the EYFS.  The skills and knowledge that will later be enhanced and embedded in Key Stage 1.

The documents used to support developing the curriculum are the non-statutory guidance from the DfE:

Development Matters Development Matters - Non-statutory curriculum guidance for the early years foundation stage (

Birth to 5 Matters Birthto5Matters-download.pdf